Did you know there a difference between a phobia and a social phobia?

A phobia is a fear that is unreasonable in its degree or nature. The person with the phobia tries to avoid the feared object or situation. They may also become extremely anxious, even panic-stricken, if forced to confront it, or even anxious simply at the thought of it.

Social phobia is an excessive fear of being seen badly by other people.

People with social phobia worry that they will embarrass or humiliate themselves.  They worry about being judged for showing physical signs of anxiety, like blushing, shaking, or sweating.

So the difference is one is external ( the object or situation) and social phobia Is internal (thoughts).

As an anxiety specialist in Sydney, the first bit of good news I can give you is that people are dealing with their own issues more than thinking about you. Believe it or not, they are not focused on you, half as much as you think they are. You are just not that important to them.

So RELAX! CHILL, take a breath and exhale.  Exhale longer than you inhale. (E.g. Breathe in for a count of four and out for a count of five). This automatically lowers your stress level and blood pressure. ( Alpha-Theta breathing)

The next bit of good news is “All phobias are treatable”, says Professor Isaac Marks of King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry. “There’s no need for anyone to continue to suffer…People can overcome phobias.”

Now if you start consulting Dr Google for a treatment for social phobia or social anxiety, you will very quickly find the out-of-date therapy of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is suggested.

Just in case you are curious, here’s some longwinded  background on it:

1/You will meet your CBT therapist. CBT generally varies between five and 20 sessions, usually offered weekly or fortnightly. This is to allow time between sessions to put lessons into practice. ( it is believed that for maximum effect you will need around 35 sessions!!!!!)

2/You talk about the problem over and over again to try to come up with ways to challenge and change unhelpful, unrealistic, or destructive thoughts and behaviours.

3/You Have challenges and tasks to do between sessions.


When you look at the studies of the people who undertake a program of CBT sessions, ( a huge percentage of people do not continue with long term therapies, ONLY 37% have a significant reduction in their phobias.

[Perhaps, in the 1960’s people had the time to spend several months visiting a therapist and doing the homework sessions, plus the cost of the multiple sessions and time off work to attend, and didn’t mind reliving the upsetting problem over and over again.]


We currently use a 3rd GENERATION SOCIAL PHOBIA THERAPY based on the original Fast Phobia Cure (initially created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder).

Now when I say fast, I mean FAST.  Usually ONE SESSION only, NO HOMEWORK and you don’t have to re-live the problem over and over again. That’s what we call ‘content free’.

Content free: you don’t talk about In detail, and you certainly don’t tell me all the upsetting bits.


You see me online, from the comfort of your own space (no travel time), to have it REMOVED.




Sydney Phobia Therapy uses state-of-the-art neurological training patterns to interrupt the dynamic of the phobia. Once the link is broken, the intensity can never be the same again. Cancel your misery and book your appointment. Think freedom from phobia. Remember…. typically one session, no homework.

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