I’m a 54 year old mother of 4 and grandma of 2. I have a bad fear of thunder.
It never really bothered me until my early 20’s after a particularly loud thunderstorm. I am on edge, agitated and sweaty.
That fear has never left me and it just doesn’t stop with thunder. It’s EVERYTHING, popping balloons, thunder (and lightning), firecrackers, cars backfiring, gun shots etc. I even went with my grown children to the shooting range hoping I could force a cure – it was disastrous. I was sobbing and couldn’t move.
Can this really be cured? Because living life like this has been brutal.
It has been getting harder and harder dealing with it.
I was talking with my friend Sally about how hard it was getting dealing with it. Sally told me she has a friend who had their fear removed in one simple painless session. The friend was afraid of heights. Why is it so simple to fix, I asked. She said it only required simple phobia therapy, which, if done correctly, can remove the phobia in one easy painless session.
I almost stopped breathing. Just one simple session and I no longer would be paralysed by loud noises and thunder?
I have no idea why I’d never heard of it before, but it worked. After my first session, the fear was completely gone, I can remember I used to be scared witless, but it just doesn’t trigger any emotion any more.
I’m not going to say I never give loud noises and thunder a thought. I do. Then I realise how relieved I am, and I thank Sally once again for telling me about this amazing simple painless process.
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