The WHO (World Health Organisation) defines vaccine hesitancy as a "delay in acceptance
or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services" This has been reported in
more than 90% of countries, with an estimated 90 million people still on the fence.
So what’s going on with the vaccine hesitant
● Facebook flooded with misinformation, 150,000 users were disabled for spreading
misleading information. A Facebook researcher found, activists were targeting
comments on Facebook posts, giving the appearance that vaccine skepticism and
resistance were more widespread than they were. In one random sampling, two-
thirds of comments were “anti-vax”
● Distrust in government and health organizations:- this includes people “free-riding”,
where they believe they can benefit from others taking up the vaccine without being
immunised themselves. Media misinformation and conspiracy beliefs about
vaccination has caused public doubts about disease spread, prevention, lethality,
and vaccine safety. This has promoted mistrust of the government, policymakers,
health authorities, and pharmaceutical companies.
● Safety and efficacy concerns:- Again the media has caused a lot of interest around
has it been approved yet?, mRNA is a new technology, and there are an almost
endless number of interesting outrageous claims of what will happen to you. 50% of
people surveyed reported some degree of hesitancy and concern about possible side
effects. This has significantly delayed the uptake of vaccination as people who aren’t
opposed to the vaccine say they wanted to wait ''to see if it's safe"
● Autonomy and personal freedom:- included in this group is the approximately 10% of
the population that a fear of needles is a major barrier. Excluding people with
genuine medical and religious reasons against vaccination there are broadly 3
○ Complacency:- perception that risk is low and vaccine not necessary
○ Calculation:- having done an evaluation of risks of infection vs vaccination
they declined vaccination
○ Collective responsibility:- with herd immunity, most people will eventually be
vaccinated, so I should be safe, even if I don't get a vaccine myself.
Sydney Phobia Therapy has an online therapy for vaccine hesitancy.
We currently use a 3rd generation version for fear of vaccine hesitancy based on the original
Fast Phobia Cure initially created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970’s.
Now when I say fast, I mean typically one session only, no homework and its content free.
Content free means you don’t talk about, and you certainly don’t tell me, because I don’t
want it either. You’re seeing me online, so stay in the comfort of your own space and no
travel time, to have it removed, not to see if we can talk it to death.
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